




ICOMOS Annual Report 2015

2016-7-5 11:40| 发布者: 武子| 查看: 2223| 评论: 0|来自: ICOMOS

摘要: In reviewing 2015, our 50th anniversary year, I would like once more to recognize the wonderful celebrations organized in Warsaw by ICOMOS Poland where the ICOMOS family gathered to salute the achievements of those who built our organization into the glob

In reviewing 2015, our 50th anniversary year, I would like once more to recognize the wonderful celebrations organized in Warsaw by ICOMOS Poland where the ICOMOS family gathered to salute the achievements of those who built our organization into the global authority that we are today. In Warsaw and in our many other golden jubilee celebrations throughout the world, we renewed our commitment to honour those who came before us and to continue to build for the future generations who are destined to carry ICOMOS into the 21st century.
The agenda of ICOMOS is always vast, making it impossible to report on all of our programmes and activities. For 2015, I would like to focus on three initiatives that I consider particularly important and promising.
The first is the creation of an ICOMOS Forum for Universities. In my travels, I have discovered that although some of our National Committees are open, inclusive and visionary forums where universities actively participate, too few of our National Committees have made access of universities to ICOMOS one of their top priorities. In order to address this situation, I am appointing a small ad-hoc international committee of 30 academics, including both members and non-members of ICOMOS.






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