




IICC-X Hosts the 2019 Seminar on the Capacity Building for Silk Roads Cultural Heritage Conservation, Management and Monitoring, and Information Database Building

2020-3-13 11:13| 发布者: 武子| 查看: 1505| 评论: 0|原作者: IICC|来自: IICC Newsletter

摘要: In order to strengthen cooperation and exchanges among countriesand institutions along the S ilk Roads, and to promotecultural heritage conservation and management, on D ecember19th, IICC-X hosted the seminar on the Capacity Building for SilkRoads Cultura

In order to strengthen cooperation and exchanges among countries
and institutions along the S ilk Roads, and to promote
cultural heritage conservation and management, on D ecember
19th, IICC-X hosted the seminar on the Capacity Building for Silk
Roads Cultural Heritage Conservation, Management and Monitoring,
and Information D atabase Building. The attendees
includes experts from the Silk Road countries: Project Official Ms.
Tatyana Trudolyubova of UNESCO Tashkent Cluster Office,
Uzbekistan; Mr. Nabijion Rahimov, Professor of Khujand State
University of Tajikistan; Mr. Suresh Suras Shrestha, the leading
World Heritage Official of the Department of Archaeology of
Nepal; and also Silk Road cultural heritage experts from China,
includes Prof. Ma Jian, dean of the School of Cultural Heritage of
Northwest University; Prof. Yang Junchang, the deputy director of
the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Northwestern Polytechnical
University; and Mr. Guan Zhaoyi, the deputy director of the Xi'an
Qujiang Daming Palace Site Conservation Office.
The seminar involved presentation and discussion of the transnational
serial nomination of the Silk Roads, the South Asia Corridor,
and the Fergana-Syrdarya Corridor, and issues related to the
process and systems; and the seminar also actively discussed
the cultural exchange and technical assistance for the countries
along the Silk Roads; and systematically elaborated on the conconstruction
of heritage digital database and the application of digital
Mr. Feng Jian, Executive Deputy Director of IICC-X, points out
that IICC-X, as the international secretariat of the Silk Roads
World Heritage Nomination Coordinating Committee, should, in
its future work, promote cooperation among the countries, exert
the center’ s functions, strengthen contacts with relevant departments
of the countries, further promote research, exhibition, utilization,
monitoring, management, publicity, cooperation and
exchange. The center should also fully make use of the interna -
tional functions to form a platform for international communica -
tions and cooperation. On the basis of these, he enthusiastically
expressed IICC-X’ s willingness to provide technical assistance to
the countries within its capabilities.






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