
乔巴克尔大墓地Chor Bakr Necropolis

摘要: 乔巴克尔大墓地(Chor Bakr Necropolis),公元 14世纪。Chor-Bakr Necropolis:1563年 昔班尼王朝在16世纪中期陷入分裂,布哈拉、撒马尔罕、塔什干和巴尔赫四个地区各自为政 。1557年,阿卜杜拉汗二世(Abdullah Khan II,1583-1598年在位)成功占领布哈拉,并于1561年宣布自己的父亲Iskander为乌兹别克人的最高大汗。Iskander对宗教更感兴趣,因此将国家 ...
乔巴克尔大墓地(Chor Bakr Necropolis),公元 14世纪。
Chor-Bakr Necropolis:1563年

      昔班尼王朝在16世纪中期陷入分裂,布哈拉、撒马尔罕、塔什干和巴尔赫四个地区各自为政 。1557年,阿卜杜拉汗二世(Abdullah Khan II,1583-1598年在位)成功占领布哈拉,并于1561年宣布自己的父亲Iskander为乌兹别克人的最高大汗。Iskander对宗教更感兴趣,因此将国家事务全权交给了儿子。

      为了加强统治,阿卜杜拉汗建立了大量的驿站、水库、经学院和桥梁,并使得布哈拉城成为16世纪后期中亚最重要的贸易中心。Chor-Bakr Necropolis就是其中的代表作。
      Chor-Bakr Necropolis位于布哈拉城西郊外,也被叫做“逝者之城”。从公元10世纪的萨曼(Samanid)王朝开始,圣人穆罕默德的后代Djuybar Seyyids家族来到布哈拉居住。这一家族在布哈拉发挥了重要的作用,他们去世后就葬在城西郊外。
      1560年,阿卜杜拉汗二世决定在Djuybar Seyyids家族陵墓旁边修建一组由清真寺、经学院和苏非道堂组成的建筑群,作为给他同属这一家族的老师Djuybar Sheikh Muhammad Islam Khoja的礼物。大汗的老师于1563年去世后葬在陵墓之中,建筑群也于同年完工。
      1593年,老师的儿子Khodja Bakr Sadi去世后葬在了父亲身边。这之后,另外三个拥有 “Bakr” 头衔的家族成员也葬在了这里,这里从此被叫做“Chor-Bakr”,意为“四个Bakr”。
UZ-13 Chor Bakr Necropolis
The architectural complex is a testimony of a religious tradition of late Islamic period of Central Asia and an example of the process of local logically continuation of it, starting in a late period of the ancient Silk Roads. At those times mausoleums and necropolises were being built for revered people, and ever since people have wanted to be buried next to them. It is the biggest Necropolis complex in Bukhara region and has a unique planning of internal space.


  Memorial complex of Chor-Bakr has developed in the place of the prospective burial place of Abu-Bakr-Said who has died in 360 year by Muslim Calendar (970-971 A.D.) - one of the four of Abu-Bakrs (Chor-Bakr) - descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. At the tomb "sacred" appeared the necropolis of family tombs, constructed court yards enclosed with walls.

  In 1858 Adullahan II, in gratitude for support and help at his accession, has started to build the complex of buildings (khonaqo and mosque) for Djuybarsk sheikhs near the tomb of their ancestor, connecting road of Bukhara with "Chor-Bakr". The necropolis continued to develop, and its new composite center became buildings of khonaqo and mosque, erected between them in two stages of khudjra. All constructions of the complex are erected above family burial places of Djumbarsks' sheikhs. Finally, the memorial develops at the beginning of the XX century when the small minaret is erected on the area before the basic constructions.

  Many constructions of ensemble have richly decorated polychromatic by the tiles.

  In many courtyards above burial places, marble gravestones with epigraphic inscriptions and groove of the vegetative and geometrical ornament are installed.

  The structure of ensemble includes 25 constructions - khonaqo, mosque, ayvan with khudjras, darvazahana, minaret and 20 small objects - courtyards - burial places with the dome coverings, separately standing portals. The territory occupies both memorial and ancient cemetery equal to 3 hectares.

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