
In Syria, discovered a huge ancient fortress which is 4000 years old

Summary: A huge, more than 4000-year-old fortress was found in northern Syria. This ancient complex extends approximately 7,000 square kilometers and is located east of Hama.The researchers believe that the complex was built between 2000 BC. and 1550 BC. For the f

A huge, more than 4000-year-old fortress was found in northern Syria. This ancient complex extends approximately 7,000 square kilometers and is located east of Hama.

The researchers believe that the complex was built between 2000 BC. and 1550 BC. For the first time such an extensive fortified system was discovered in this territory. The discovery of this ancient fotification structure was done with the help of analysis of aerial photographs and satellite images.

According to archaeologists, this ancient structure was created to protect a large city and its interior areas and consists of a number of fortresses, small forts, towers and fences that stretch along a mountain range that dominates the desert areas of central Syria.

The researchers suggest that the fortresses were made from large basalt blocks and formed walls several meters wide. In addition, each fortified site was placed in such a way that he could see other nearby fortified areas.

Thus, the spatial organization of this network depended on the ability to communicate through signals of light (or smoke) to quickly transmit information to the main defense control centers.

The purpose of this regional network would be to protect the territory, supervise and protect the transport corridors and, above all, to protect the most attractive land.

The study, conducted under the supervision of researchers from the CNRS / Université Lumière Lyon 2) and the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums of Syria, was published in the journal Paléorient on December 19, 2017.

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