
The early medieval architectural complex of Panauti帕瑙提

摘要: The architectural complex at Panauti is situated in a scenic position at the junction of the sacred confluence of the Roshi Khola and Punyamati Khola. The principal Indresvar Mahadev temple, in traditional Nepalese style, was originally built in A.D. 1294
The architectural complex at Panauti is situated in a scenic position at the junction of the sacred confluence of the Roshi Khola and Punyamati Khola. The principal Indresvar Mahadev temple, in traditional Nepalese style, was originally built in A.D. 1294. Other structures include the 17th century Brahmayani temple, other temples, patis, sattals, inscriptions, sculptures and traditional houses.
Date of Submission: 23/05/1996
Criteria: (i)(iii)(iv)
Category: Cultural
Submitted by:
His Majesty's Government of Nepal - Min.of Youth, Sports and Culture. Department of Archaeology
Coordinates: Village of Panauti, Kavre District, Bagmati Zone.


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帕瑙提(Panauti),位于加德满都东南方约36公里、巴涅帕南方7公里处,是座美丽的古城,罗希河(Roshi Khola)与彭加马蒂河(Pungamati Khola)在此交汇。尼泊尔人相信,造访此处或沐浴其间,能够洗去罪恶,帕瑙提也因此多了些神圣的气氛。自古以来人们普遍认为这座城市建于一块完整的巨石之上,所以它能够不受地震的影响。帕瑙提的所在地曾经是重要商路的汇合处,在它的主广场上有一座王宫。尽管如今这里只不过是一个安静的穷乡僻壤,但人们仍然对它很感兴趣。小城基本保持着原来的风貌,在法国人的帮助下许多传统建筑都得到了修缮。
从高处俯望,在绿意环绕间,以砖红尼瓦建筑所构成的帕瑙提显得格外醒目。其中金色尖顶的因德瑞许瓦·摩诃戴弗神庙(Indreshwar Mahadev Temple),最能吸引人们的目光,也是帕瑙提最重要、最具规模的神庙。因德瑞许瓦·摩诃戴弗神庙最早建于1294年,15世纪时曾经重建,是谷地中最古老的神庙之一。庙内供奉有灵甘,显示着这是座湿婆庙;屋顶的斜柱木雕精细地描绘出湿婆的各种形象与化身,这也是尼瓦尔木雕工艺的杰作之一。寺院还有许多值得一看的建筑物,像南侧的拜拉弗神庙(Bhairav Temple),上层窗子有三尊白色的木刻人像。在主寺的西北侧还有一座湿婆神庙(Shiva Temple),里面供奉着灵甘。走出寺院,还可以前往河畔的克里须纳·纳那扬神庙(Krishna Narayan Temple),这里的斜柱同样精彩。附近还有一座17世纪的博拉马雅尼寺(Brahmayani Temple),奉祀的博拉马雅尼女神是帕瑙提的守护女神,当地的人们对其崇敬有加。平日的帕瑙提充满宁静的气息,少有游客,处处可见传统的建筑物,最适合散步欣赏。每年雨季结束后的庆典时,城里几座神庙奉祀的神像会被请至大型神车上,绕行于大街小巷,古城笼罩在一片热闹的氛围中。


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