
Kesken-Kuyuk kala

摘要: Ammianus Marcellinus在四世纪以Khavrana的名义首次提到Kesken-Kuyuk kala或Dzhuvara定居点。它是位于现在干涸的Syrdarya山谷南岸的最大勘探区。这座城市周围有一堵墙,现在大约有两米,有一座城堡,大小为210×210米。考古发掘揭示了两个建筑时期:第一个是第十到十二世纪,第二个时期是第七至第九世纪。早期建筑几乎完全被毁坏,而后期建筑则显示出许多 ...
Ammianus Marcellinus在四世纪以Khavrana的名义首次提到Kesken-Kuyuk kala或Dzhuvara定居点。它是位于现在干涸的Syrdarya山谷南岸的最大勘探区。这座城市周围有一堵墙,现在大约有两米,有一座城堡,大小为210×210米。考古发掘揭示了两个建筑时期:第一个是第十到十二世纪,第二个时期是第七至第九世纪。早期建筑几乎完全被毁坏,而后期建筑则显示出许多巨大的房子和街道。在该遗址的领土上,考古学家发现了突骑施,唐朝,花剌子模和Bukharin的硬币,以及铜带斑块,展示了这座城市与外国的商业联系。
Kesken-Kuyuk kala (X-IX centuries)

Kesken-Kuyuk kala or the settlement of Dzhuvara was mentioned for the first time under the name of Khavrana in IV century by Ammianus Marcellinus. It is the biggest explored settlement situated on the southern bank of now dry valley of Syrdarya. The city was surrounded by a wall, which now has about two meters and has a citadel, which has 210×210 meters in size. Archaeological excavations have revealed two construction periods: first – X-XII centuries and second – VII-IX centuries. Early constructions were almost entirely destroyed, while late constructions have shown numerous big houses and streets. On the territory of the site, archeologists have found Turgesh, Tang, Khorezm and Bukharin coins, and copper belt plaques that show commercial links of the city with foreign cultures.

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