
讹答剌Otrar Oasis

摘要: 在北部,Otrar绿洲位于土耳其斯坦和塔什干绿洲附近。 绿洲包括Buzuk,Oliktobe,Aysentobe和Aykol等几个定居点。 绿洲的总面积从北到南53公里,从西到东54公里。 绿洲的不同定居点形成了几个微型绿洲。 其中最大的位于Otrar市周围。 其中一些遗址在III-IV世纪左右开始形成。 在XII-XV世纪,大多数地点变得边缘化,而Otrar一直有人居住到十八世纪。 Otrar绿 ...
在北部,Otrar绿洲位于土耳其斯坦和塔什干绿洲附近。 绿洲包括Buzuk,Oliktobe,Aysentobe和Aykol等几个定居点。 绿洲的总面积从北到南53公里,从西到东54公里。 绿洲的不同定居点形成了几个微型绿洲。 其中最大的位于Otrar市周围。 其中一些遗址在III-IV世纪左右开始形成。 在XII-XV世纪,大多数地点变得边缘化,而Otrar一直有人居住到十八世纪。 Otrar绿洲的总面积有136个不同的定居点。 在现代,旧的灌溉系统被当地社区广泛使用。 由于与农业现代发展有关的破坏,这一情况对历史遗址产生了负面影响。
Otrar Oasis (III-XVIII centuries)

© The National Commission of Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO / Otrar Oasis
On the north the Otrar oasis is situated near the Turkestan and Tashkent oases. The oasis includes several such settlements as Buzuk, Oliktobe, Aysentobe, and Aykol. The total surface of the oasis counts 53 km from the north to the south and 54 km from the west to the east. Different settlements of the oasis form several micro-oases. The largest among them is situated around the city of Otrar. Some of these sites start to form around III-IV centuries. In XII-XV centuries most of them became marginal, while Otrar was functioning until the XVIII century. Total area of Otrar oasis counts 136 different sites. In modern days the old irrigation system is widely used by local community. This fact has a negative impact on the historical sites because of the destructions related to modern development of the agriculture.

讹打剌城 : 西域城名。见于《西游录》。《元朝秘史》作兀答剌儿、兀都剌儿。《圣武亲征录》作斡脱罗尔,《元史·太祖本纪》作讹答剌城,《西北地附录》作兀提剌耳。位于锡尔河与其支流阿雷斯河汇流处,即今哈萨克斯坦讹提剌儿古城遗址。10~14世纪时,为锡尔河中游最重要的商业城市,是从中国前往伏尔加河下游、俄罗斯以至欧洲的必经之地。12世纪时属花剌子模。13世纪初,该城守将海亦儿汗杀死成吉思汗的商队,招致震惊欧亚的蒙古西征,此城亦化为废墟。14世纪末,帖木儿东征明朝途中,病逝于此。
  Otrar oasis is an area of 200 sq km with archaeological remains of medieval towns and structures of irrigation. The main town is Otrar (I-XV1D AC), other towns are Kuyruk-Tobe (I-XV), Altyn - Tobe(I-XI), Pshakshi-Tobe (I-XII), Mardan-Kuyk (I-XV), Kok-Mardan (I-VII).

  Otrar town is the largest medieval hillfort of Kazakhstan with an area of 170 ha.: in the first century AC was part of the Kangju empire; at the beginning of the VIII capital of the Kangars tribal confederation (Petchenegues) with the name of Kangu-Targan and later of Farab. Abn Nasr Farabi born here in 870 and Timur here died in 1405. It has all the typical features of a medieval Central Asian town: citadel, shahristan (a town in itself), rabat (suburbs) and fields, everything surrounded by walls.

  Today the landscape is reduced to semidesert and the towns are in ruin, but, until the XV century, Otrar, together with the rest of the oasis, represented the main urban centre on the marginal zone between southern towns and northern steppes, between settlers and nomads of Central Asia. The oasis constituted a peaceful economical and cultural complex, an avant-post in attracting northern nomads, settling them down, and so importing elements of the nomadic culture into the sedentary societies. This is reflected in the town planning, architecture, in the art of pottery and jewelry.

  Archaeological excavations brought into light the general plan of the territory, the irrigation system, the suburbs, and the earthen ruins of the towns. They are almost reduced to the plan, but, through the remains of towns, of canals and roads, it is possible to observe the evolution of this interaction of cultures stage by stage, from the very beginning to the period of final decay, when the Eurasian route lost its importance and the towns their economical role.

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